This month's meetings included fixes and new functionality added since February including: Increased the size of the field that contains the Scenario Name and Scenario Patient Name on the Test Steps page to make it more readable; Fixed display issue when scrolling through large amounts of data in the Test Steps and Test Header page; Updating the Issue status no longer updates the Test Step status back to "Issue"; When you run the Built Audit on a test script and click the red caution icon inside the Scenario Steps page, it takes you to the first step missing a position. If you click it twice more, it will advance to the next step with a blank position; Reported by information is now displayed in the Test Report.
Additionally we reviewed Custom Columns functionality in TransIT Plans.
The tip of the month was to try to avoid the use of special characters in Scenario Names, and Section Names inside test scripts they can cause scripts to not display appropriately in the browser.